Liposonix® Frequently Asked Questions
What is Liposonix?
Liposonix is device new to the United States that has been used overseas to permanently
get rid of fat cells and reduce waist size. Liposonix uses focused ultrasound waves to permanently
get rid of fat cells selectively in your problem areas. Liposonix gets rid of these fat cells without
surgery and with minimal side effects or downtime. For decades people have been trying to selectively
remove fat from problem areas, using belts, injections, exercise and many other techniques.
Until now, the only way to really remove fat from a selective area was liposuction. Now there is Liposonix.
How does Liposonix work?
Liposonix uses a special technology called High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
to cause the death of fat cells safely and effectively. Focusing the ultrasound energy
of Liposonix at 1-2 cm below the surface of the skin avoids any burns or trauma to the
skin and makes the treatment more comfortable. The fat cells are disrupted by the HIFU
resulting in an average 4-5 cm (1.5-2 inches) reduction in waist size for a one hour treatment. |
Who is a good candidate for Liposonix?
Liposonix is best for certain patients. Both women and men can be candidates. You should be
able to pinch at least an inch of fat in your area of concern. A layer of fat less than an
inch probably does not require treatment. You should also be fairly close to your ideal body
weight. Persons with Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 30 may be candidates. If your BMI is
greater than 30, you will probably do better with liposuction than with
Liposonix. Currently
Liposonix has been approved for use on the abdomen and love handles. Some patients may be
appropriate for other body areas. To find out your BMI follow this link:
CDC BMI Calculator.
What happens to the fat after Liposonix?
The disrupted fat cells attract the body’s inflammatory and healing responses.
Special cells called macrophages engulf the fat and cellular debris. The macrophages
then transport the fat through the lymphatic and venous system eventually to the liver.
This process takes 2-4 weeks, so there are no changes in fat, triglyceride or any other
body chemistries. The liver treats the fat from the macrophages just like fat you have eaten.
The liver takes the fat and metabolizes it normally. Studies have not shown an increase in
other body measurements after the use of Liposonix. This means there is no measurable
redistribution of the fat. We know it can’t go back to the treatment area because those cells no longer exist.
How much downtime will I have?
Immediately after your procedure you will walk out and be able to perform mild activities.
Unlike the need for prolonged recovery and possible overnight stay when liposuction is performed
with heavy anesthesia, downtime is minimized. Liposonix significantly reduces tissue trauma and
post procedural pain. Most patients are able to return to normal desk type work in two to four days
and some patients are able to return to work the same day, depending on the area treated. Full normal
activity can be resumed within two weeks after the procedure.
Will Liposonix help me lose weight?
Liposonix is NOT a weight loss procedure. The fat cells are permanently disrupted with
treatment. However, the fat inside the cells is not destroyed. The fat is carried back to your
liver and treated just like food you eat. Once processed by the liver, the fat released by
treatments is sent back out to fat cells in the body. Since the fat cells the fat came from are no
longer present due to the Liposonix treatment, the fat cannot return to the treatment area. Typically,
it will go to multiple places in the body and result in few if any measurable increases to other body areas.
It is important to remember: Liposonix permanently disrupts fat cells but does not destroy or eliminate fat.
You cannot use Liposonix for weight loss, only inches loss.
What kind of results can I expect from Liposonix?
permanently disrupts the fat cells in the treatment area. One treatment is
recommended in the area. A treatment takes about an hour. The current studies
showed an average decrease in waist size of 4.6 cm or 1.8 inches after 3 months.
This is essentially one pant size. These results are from the first generation
Liposonix machine. Innovations Medical has the second generation Liposonix machine.
Clinical studies for the second generation Liposonix machine are currently underway.
The early reports are showing the same or better overall reduction using the second generation
Liposonix machine. Although some results from Liposonix are often seen in 1-2 weeks, it often takes
3-6 month for the final results to be realized.
What are the side effects of Liposonix?
Liposonix has only mild side effects. Patients using the second generation Liposonix machine
have experienced only mild or no discomfort. Since each person has a different pain tolerance,
medications are available for anxiety or pain control.
Some patients have redness, swelling, or bruising after Liposonix.
Redness usually resolves after a few hours. The swelling from Liposonix usually resolves in a few days.
Bruising from Liposonix may take up to two weeks to resolve. |
How long does the Liposonix procedure take?
Typically a Liposonix treatment is completed in about one hour. You should consult your doctor to discuss treatment areas and time.
What do I do after the Liposonix treatment?
You don’t need to do anything out of the ordinary. There is no special post-care required, but we recommend that you maintain the same diet and active lifestyle before treatment –
if not better! |